(Photo Credit: Asian Meeting Festival 2016)

在日常生活中,聲音充斥著生活中的每一刻,但我們並非時常留意聲音的存在。在這工作坊裡,參加者能夠透過不同的聆聽練習,從不同的角度了解聲音藝術。另外,參加者會製造電磁波拾音器,利用製成品於現場即時收音及放大,聆聽一些我們耳朵頻率聽不到,卻又一直存在各日常電子產品中的電磁波聲音。 細心聆聽我們有什麼「聽漏左」!

Sound is present in every moment of our life, but rarely do we pay attention to the presence of sound. In this workshop, participants can understand sound art from different aspects, through different listening exercises. Using an induction coil microphone made during the workshop, they can also listen to the frequency in our surroundings which our ears normally omit and thus realize that electromagnetic wave found in electronic products of our daily life has a "voice". Listen carefully to what we have missed!

The content of each workshops under the same titles are the same.

Born in Hong Kong, Fiona Lee obtained her Bachelor of Arts majoring in Critical Intermedia Laboratory from the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. Her works of art are derived from the intersection between installation and performance. Her recent art practices and inspirations have come from the feeling of and focus on particular moments in her daily routine, which she explores as if it were a world of adventure. Listening creates an important connection between Fiona and the world; this is when she feels the movement of every single moment. She believes her art creations represent the progress she is making in exploring and accepting her own possibilities.
Lee's installations have featured at a number of art festivals, including ifva Carnival 2016 (Hong Kong), Around Sound Art Festival 2014 (Kyoto, Japan), Transi(en)t Manila Project Glocal 2014 (Manila, Philippines), the 12th Seoul International New Media Festival and the 16th ifva (Interactive Media Category) Finalist Works Exhibition (Hong Kong). Her sound and light performance "delight" has been hosted in Taiwan, Korea, Macau and Hong Kong. She was invited to perform by the Asian Meeting Festival 2016 in Japan, and she also takes part in improvisations with a variety of musicians & sound artists. Recently, Fiona has released her self-published album, "walking in a daze" (2016), which has collected sound works she created.
(Cover Photo Credit: City of Sounds Workshop by 20Alpha & Robert Ho Family Foundation)

Enquiry Email: scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk

Enquiry Tel: +(852) 3442 2258

Date 2017-06-24
Venue Audio Lab, M6052
Time 09:30:00
Duration 3
Speaker Fiona Lee
Language Cantonese
Quota 20
Enrollment Period 2017-04-01 - 2017-06-21
Enrollment ended
Date 2017-06-25
Venue Audio Lab, M6052
Time 09:30:00
Duration 3
Speaker Fiona Lee
Language Cantonese
Quota 20
Enrollment Period 2017-04-01 - 2017-06-21
Enrollment ended

Enrollment Form
