(Photo Credit: Asian Meeting Festival 2016)
在日常生活ä¸ï¼Œè²éŸ³å……斥著生活ä¸çš„æ¯ä¸€åˆ»ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘們並éžæ™‚常留æ„è²éŸ³çš„å˜åœ¨ã€‚在這工作åŠè£¡ï¼ŒåƒåŠ è€…èƒ½å¤ é€éŽä¸åŒçš„è†è½ç·´ç¿’,從ä¸åŒçš„角度了解è²éŸ³è—術。å¦å¤–,åƒåŠ è€…æœƒè£½é€ é›»ç£æ³¢æ‹¾éŸ³å™¨ï¼Œåˆ©ç”¨è£½æˆå“æ–¼ç¾å ´å³æ™‚收音åŠæ”¾å¤§ï¼Œè†è½ä¸€äº›æˆ‘å€‘è€³æœµé »çŽ‡è½ä¸åˆ°ï¼Œå»åˆä¸€ç›´å˜åœ¨å„日常電å產å“ä¸çš„é›»ç£æ³¢è²éŸ³ã€‚ 細心è†è½æˆ‘們有什麼「è½æ¼å·¦ã€ï¼
Sound is present in every moment of our life, but rarely do we pay attention to the presence of sound. In this workshop, participants can understand sound art from different aspects, through different listening exercises. Using an induction coil microphone made during the workshop, they can also listen to the frequency in our surroundings which our ears normally omit and thus realize that electromagnetic wave found in electronic products of our daily life has a "voice". Listen carefully to what we have missed!
The content of each workshops under the same titles are the same.