• The workshops are open to all local secondary school students from Form 3 to Form 5.
  • Only online enrolment will be accepted.
  • Applicants must provide a valid email address for confirmation purpose.
  • Enrolment is non-transferable.
  • Participants' artwork may be collected by SCM for display in the sharing session. They will be returned to respective participants after the session.
  • The copyright of all the documentations (including video and photograph) made during the workshops belongs to SCM. SCM reserves the right to publish them at its own discretion. If there is any concern regarding the documentations, please contact us at scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk
  • Please assemble at the waiting area 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of the workshops. Latecomers will not be entertained.
  • No show without valid reasons may affect participants' enrolment in other workshops.
  • For enquiries, please contact 3442 2258 or scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk.
    • I have carefully considered my health and personal circumstances when applying for and accepting a place in the workshop(s), and I am physically and mentally capable to participate in and complete the workshop(s); and I agree to assume all responsibilities for my health, safety, and belongings while participating in the workshop(s).
    • I release the University, its officers, employees, agents and contractors from any and all liability, damage or claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of, or in any way related to my participation in the workshop(s); to the extent as permitted by the applicable laws.
    • I understand that the University reserves the right to make cancellations, changes or substitutions regarding the workshop(s) in case of emergency or changed conditions or in the interest of students concerned including myself. Should the University cancel the workshop(s), I accept any arrangements that the University may consider appropriate and will not make any claim against the University, its officers, employees, agents and contractors regarding such cancellations, changes or substitutions.
      本人明白,如出現緊急情況或情況有變,或須保護學生(包括本人)的權益,大學對該項課程保留有取消、更改或變換的權利。 如該項課程出現取消、更改或變換的情況,本人同意採取大學認爲合適的措施,本人亦不會就此向大學、大學人員、僱員、代理人及承包商作任何申索。
    1) How do I enrol in the workshops?

    By online enrolment before application deadline. Under "WORKSHOPS" page or the homepage, click into the workshop you are interested in and click the "ENROL" button.

    2) Am I eligible to enrol the workshops?

    Local secondary school students from Form 3 to Form 5 are eligible to enrol.

    3) What is the selection criteria for enrolment?

    Selection of applicants will be based on the Application Statement in the online enrolment form.

    Successful applicants will receive an Enrolment Confirmation email. Please ensure you provide a valid email address for confirmation purpose.

    4) When and how do I know I have successfully enrolled?

    You will receive an email of Application Acknowledgment after submitting the online enrolment form. Your enrolment is successful only when you receive the Enrolment Confirmation email. The Enrolment Confirmation email will be sent to you at least five days before the workshop date.

    5) Can I enrol a workshop as a group?

    Priority will be given to individual applicants. If any applicants want to enrol as a group, please contact us at 3442 2258 or scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk

    6) How to cancel an enrolled workshop?

    If you wish to cancel the workshop after your enrolment, you can click the "Cancel" link provided in the Application Acknowledgement email. Follow the instructions and your application will be canceled when you see the "Cancellation Successful" page.

    If you wish to cancel the workshop after the confirmation 3 day(s) before the workshop date, please email us at scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk

    7) What should I bring to the workshop?

    You need to present your student ID card (with your photo and full name) and the original copy of the Parents' Consent Form on the day of the workshop. Materials and other requirements, if any, will be stated in the Enrolment Confirmation email.

    8) What is the medium of instruction?

    All workshops will be conducted in Cantonese unless stated otherwise. If there is any special needs, please contact us at 3442 2258 or scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk

    9) Do I have to pay for the workshops?

    No. The workshops are free-of-charge.

    10) If I have other questions to ask, whom should I contact?

    Please contact Ms Wong of the SCM General Office at (852) 3442 2258 or scmwkshop@cityu.edu.hk

    11) What is the arrangement for bad weather? Will the workshop be cancelled?
    Arrangement of Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning | Typhoon Signal No.1 or No. 3:

    All CityU classes and activities will continue as normal. All offices will remain open.

    Arrangement of Black Rainstorm Warning | Typhoon Signal No.8 or above:

    The workshop will be cancelled if a black rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is still in force after 12:00 noon on the event date.

    At or after 7 am Morning sessions with commencement time before 2:00 pm
    At or after noon Afternoon sessions with commencement time at or after 2:00 pm but before 6:30 pm

  • If black rainstorm warning is issued during the workshop period, all workshops and events already in progress will continue.
  • All other activities should continue to be held for participants who have arrived on campus. Outdoor activities should be cancelled.
  • Participants should be advised to stay until the black rainstorm warning has been cancelled and traffic conditions have improved.
  • Announcements made by the Government's Education Bureau relating to suspension of classes for schools, post-secondary colleges and technical institutes etc. do not apply to the University.
  • Please refer to the Adverse Weather Arrangements website of CityU for details.

    12) Can I enrol only one workshop? Do I need to attend the sharing session?

    Yes, you can enrol individual workshops according to your interest. Participation in the sharing session is voluntary.

    13) Can I enrol more than one workshop?

    You may apply for more than one workshop. However, priority will be given to applicants who have not taken part in any other workshops.

    14) Do I need to get my parents' consent for participating in the workshops?

    Yes. We will send you a Parents' Consent Form along with the Enrolment Confirmation email. Please ask your parents/guardians to fill in the form and send us the completed form before the workshop. On the day of the workshop, please bring along the original copy for our verification.